Successful Restaurant Loyalty Strategies: Keep Them Coming

Restaurant Loyalty Strategies

If you are in the restaurant game, you know that it can be a struggle to keep your customers loyal and have them dine in your restaurant regulalry. So, how can you keep your customers coming? What are the successful loyalty strategies you need to have at your restaurant?

Different guests have different needs especially when it comes to food. Below are some restaurant loyalty strategies to develop your personal connections with the customers:

Successful Restaurant Loyalty Strategies

Restaurant Loyalty Strategies1. Training your Staff

Staff that are well trained in speaking, eye contact and their body language will be a big plus in the eyes of your customer. They should always speak kindly to the customers and talk to them with eye contact and be sure that their body language doesn’t seem disinterested and offend the guests.

2. Learn their first names.

When you’ve notice someone coming again and again, it’s a good idea to approach them and tell them you are overjoyed they have returned and then ask their name. Log the information so it can accompany future reservations (and who they first gave their first name too). Make sure you don’t though use someone first/last name without first asking.


3. Anticipate customer’s routines.

If your staff gets to know a customer’s routine, then maybe your staff can offer a meal that would suit the customer’s taste.


4. Surprise the customers.

At random, you can surprise them by sending them a free meal or dessert when they are on a special date like anniversary or birthday.


5. Rewarding Customer

Find out your customers’ anniversaries, birthdays, and reward your customer. People are especially emotionally open on birthdays and anniversaries. Give them some reason to come to your restaurant on that day and treat them like royalty.


6. Keep your Originality

Your restaurant must keep something original like original dessert or meal and offer it differently. If you can come up with your own recipe then that would be best.


7. Knowing customer’s needs

You should entrust your restaurant manager to go around and talk to the customers. Rather than sweeping floors, have your restaurant manager visit the table at a specific point in their meal. Let your manager wait until they have their main course is in front them is best.

For all your commercial kitchen and restaurant design needs give Procook a call. We’re here to help.

Let us know what restaurant loyalty strategies you implement in the comments section below.


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