Handling Glassware for Profitability and Safety

handling glassware

Ever dream of offering wide variety of drinks to your customers? Well, you can now! Just like china ware and silverware, glassware are also quite expensive and it needs lots of care to keep them safe from breakage. Handling glassware should be treated like handling a high quality food. It needs thorough care and grip to prevent it from breaking.

Your glassware are your investment,which is why you need to take good care of it so it can help you gain profit. If you are planning to open up a bar, then you need to help your staff know how they should hold the glassware. If needed, they should undergo training as this will be beneficial for your business in the end.

With the proper handling techniques, you will be able to prevent and protect your glassware and maintain the life of your investment. With this, higher productivity and lower cases of injuries may follow.



Here are some tips on how you can take care of your glassware for profitability and safety of your staff and customers:

Handling glassware:

Thermal Shock

A sudden change in temperature is what you call thermal shock. The glassware holds temperature and they can only hold much. There are right and wrong ways in handling  glassware temperature. If your glass is still cold, then it should not be placed in a dishwasher. If your glass is warm, them it should not be served to the customers just yet, as hot glasses can’t be poured with cold drinks and placed with ice in it. If you happen to do the wrong things with your glassware then it could result to damage or breakage.

Mechanical Shock

The direct result of contact with another kitchen object,
like a beer tap, spoon, cups, or a piece of china ware is what you call mechanical shock. This is the kind of contact that can cause a minute abrasion, invisible to the eye, but a source of weakness in the glass,
making it more susceptible to breakage from impact or thermal shock.

General handling:

  • Keep an adequate supply of glassware to help prevent contact with recently washed items
    from going directly into service.
  • Place guidelines on your scrap tables for servers to place china, glass and flatware in
    different areas.
  • Check the dish washing equipment temperature twice every day.
  • Replace the torned glass washer brushes.
  • Never put the cold water or any ice into a hot or warm glass to avoid breakage.
  • Place your glassware directly into the racks, or divide the trays to flatware baskets.
  • Use different color racks for different china, glasses and flatware items.
  • Do not pick up the glasses in bouquets.
  • You must always use a plastic scoop to get ice. Never scoop ice with glasses.
  • Never stack the glasses.
  • Always pre-heat your glasses with hot water when pouring hot drinks.
  • Never contact glasses with the beer tap
    Always have an adequate supply of glassware for rush periods.
  • Avoid glass-to-glass contact in overhead racks and anywhere else.
  • Always carry the glasses gently.
  • Put away the severely abraded glass from service.

If you have any further questions about Commercial Kitchen Equipment don’t hesitate to give us a call on 07 3868 4964. Or You Can Shop here.

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